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You Tweet what you Sow

Speech is Free but it still can Cost You

I read a lot a lot of crazy things on twitter. Many have had me wonder how people are able to continue to tweet and still be relevant with no consequences. I know that some in specific will not ever encounter any consequences. I am in all honesty, who is really going to take away their right and privileges. Apparently May 29, 2017, was not the day to state an ignorant tweet. Actress Roseanne made a very unflattering post about Former Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett. She made what many consider a racist and derogatory religious statement. Instead of letting the tweet fly over (like they have done in the past), the world of twitter and the media was not having it. It got to the point where folks were walking off from the job to ultimately the show being cancelled with a blink of an eye. Not only is the season of Roseanne cancelled, but the reruns from other networks have also been pulled off the air. To make matters worse for Roseanne, her talent agency has even dropped her as a client. Many people do not feel sorry for her. They feel that it is something long overdue from her past antics that she has displayed yet never received any repercussions……until now. Let’s be honest, Roseanne has a way with her words that have rubbed people the wrong way. But once you speak about a minority race and a minority religion, there is nothing that can save you; not even an apology. The only thing that is sad about this is that a lot of people are now out of a job. The show Roseanne provided jobs for actors who have not worked in almost a decade. This show brought them back to the screen so that they could relive the days where they were on top of the world in TV land and even be on top again.

You see, when you have a brand and when you people depending on your brand, you have to be careful of your actions. You have to be careful of your words. Now could have Roseanne made it without Roseanne herself: it is possible. There have been television shows that fired the main character and still survived. But I feel that ABC and Disney could not allow Roseanne’s actions to not feel the full turmoil that it needed. Hopefully Roseanne understand that she has a responsibility with her words and that it is a representation of her brand. I hope that she recognizes that your tweets are your true thoughts.